
Large ensemble

(click title or scroll down for info/media)

Extinction for wind ensemble and computer (2015)
written for the Western Michigan University Wind Symphony

Object Metamorphosis II for wind ensemble and digital audio (2010)
written for the Truman University Wind Ensemble

Object Metamorphosis for wind ensemble and digital audio (2010)
written for University of Missouri-Kansas City Wind Symphony




for wind ensemble and computer


Mass extinction events have always been a feature of life on our planet. Periodically some environmental factor changes, either slowly or immediately, and the landscape of biodiversity on the planet is altered forever. Currently life on earth is undergoing or approaching another mass extinction event.



about the technology

There are approximately 180 fixed media files that are triggered with MIDI or keyboard input. The fixed media triggering method and cue system were developed by Samuel Wells and Christopher Biggs as part of a set Javascript utilities developed for Max 7.  


Object Metamophosis II

for wind ensemble and fixed media


Object Metamorphosis II is a composition for wind ensemble and digital audio commissioned by the Macro Analysis Creative Research Organization (MACRO) and Truman State University.  The work was inspired by humankind’s investigations into the nature of light.  The materials of the work are initially very unfocused, then they become clearer and clearer; however, the underlying processes involved that create the foreground materials are always obscured.        

The basic harmonic structure of the work is based on circle-of-fifth’s motion and the large-scale resolution of altered dominant triads.  The foreground melodies, rhythms, and textures do not initially present themselves in their simplest form and then develop; rather, these materials develop non-linearly, often being introduced as fragments that form cohesive sections later in the work.   



Object Metamophosis 

for wind ensemble and fixed media


Object Metamorphosis is a composition for wind symphony and digital audio based on a work of art by Jorge Garcia Almodovar entitled Black Modules (pictured below on the right wall).  Alomodovar’s work consists of ten identically sized and shaped, black, rectangular modules.  The sides of each three-dimensional module are either entirely or partially hidden, depending on the perspective of the viewer, and each side is a colored, reflective surface.